Vegan Chocolate Babka - Vegan Recipes

Vegan Chocolate Babka

A rich, tender and flaky vegan chocolate babka! This eggless and dairy-free version of the popular Jewish dessert bread is tender, rich and perfectly flaky with layers of flavor from a fudgy chocolate filling, chocolate streusel and sugar syrup.
The post Vegan Chocolate Babka appeared first on Holy Cow Vegan.

The perfect vegan babka is within easy reach with this mouthwatering recipe for a vegan chocolate babka! This eggless and dairy-free version of the popular Jewish dessert bread is tender, rich and perfectly flaky with layers of flavor from a fudgy chocolate filling, chocolate streusel and sugar syrup.

There's almost no dessert bread in the world that's as addictive as a well-made chocolate babka. Arguably so, perhaps, but you'd be hard put to it to find another bread with that rich, flaky, buttery crumb and swirls of complimentary flavors. Have a slice, and you're hooked. For good.
My vegan chocolate babka recipe doesn't miss any of that wonderfulness, but it is dairy-free and eggless. This is a recipe I shared with you many, many years ago, and so many of you have loved making it. With this update I've not only made the recipe even better, I've made it quite foolproof.

Making a babka is a multi-step process, beginning with creating the buttery dough, which is much like the dough for a vegan brioche or even a vegan challah (you can, in fact, use my olive oil brioche recipe for the babka bread dough if you'd rather not use vegan butter). You will make the veg...
Source: Holy Cow

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