High Protein & Anti Hangover Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich - Vegan Recipes

High Protein & Anti Hangover Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

URRGH. If you?ve woken up on a Saturday morning with a rolling stomach, and a banging headache, then you know how essential a good hangover cure can be. Enter the peanut butter and banana sandwich.

We know that on those mornings all you wanna do is pass out again but we also know that getting some food in you can be pretty important.

We all know how hangovers are caused but we?ve been looking at various different ways of trying to reduce hangovers (without drinking less of course), through the medium of food.

Research has thrown up (haha) some interesting ideas but this protein packed vegan sandwich is a tried and true hangover cure.

Health Benefits ? Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

Very little scientific research has been conclusive, but from what has been seen so far, three essentials become clear. They are sodium, potassium and cysteine.
So we tried and tested our very own vegan peanut butter sandwich/hangover cure.

The banana takes care of the potassium, the peanut butter has salt in it (if it doesn?t, you can always add some) and whole wheat bread contains cysteine, making this peanut butter banana sandwich the ideal choice.

On top of the hangover specific benefits, this banana breakfast recipe is full of protein. As the vegans out there probably know, peanut butter is a fantastic source of protein.

Packed with protein

What you might not know is that bread can also be a good protein source! This only goes for whole grain bread, b...
URL: https://hurrythefoodup.com/category/recipes/diet/quick-vegan-recipes/

