Easy Strawberry Pie - Vegan Recipes

Easy Strawberry Pie

Easy Strawberry Pie- made with just 6 ingredients, this strawberry pie is the perfect light and refreshing treat for summertime! (vegan with gluten-free option)

We’re throwing it way back to a recipe that was originally inspired by one of my girlfriends in Texas. We met working together in radiology and she was always designated the one who would bring the desserts for whatever celebration was going on in the department at the time. We designated her the dessert girl for a reason. She always brought the BEST treats and one of them was a similar version of this strawberry pie. It was basically just sliced strawberries and JELL-O in a pie crust topped with whipped cream. So easy yet so light and refreshing, and absolutely perfect for those brutally hot Texas summers. (more…)

URL: http://makingthymeforhealth.com/special-diets/vegan/

EASY VEGAN RECIPES (4 INGREDIENTS!) // what I ate in a day
