Things Aren't Peachy Right Now. - Vegan Recipes

Things Aren't Peachy Right Now.

It’s been quiet on this website for a while. I hope that will change, but I don?t know when. In the interest of full disclosure, this post isn?t about food; it?s about mental health – and it?s long. It?s the only post on this topic that I have planned, so if it isn?t your thing, just come back next time :).

I wanted to tell you all the story of what?s happening with me, what happened to me before, and how I?m getting better. I want to play a role in sustaining the dialogue about mental health and encouraging people who need it to get help. So, here?s an abridged history of my grappling with mental illness.
This isn’t the first time I’ve struggled.
Many years ago, I went through a bout of severe depression, which almost completely incapacitated me. I quit my job because I didn?t feel like going; came close to failing out of college; spent most days in my room crying; and hid almost all of this from the people around me.
Continue reading Things Aren’t Peachy Right Now. at Yup, It's Vegan! for the full recipe.

Source: Yup its vegan

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