The Undeniable Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet - Vegan Recipes

The Undeniable Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet

Kale photo by Heather Barnes

If you asked your doctor about the health benefits of eating a vegan diet forty years ago, he would have called it bunk. Total baloney! Even today, many doctors aren?t hip to how beneficial eliminating animal products from your diet can really is. This seems off, right" Shouldn?t your doctor be the one person who does know about the health benefits of a plant-based diet" Not exactly. 

You see, medical students don?t get much nutrition education. In fact, only 30 percent of medical schools require students to take a nutrition course at all. Knowing this, it shouldn?t come as a big surprise that a plant-based diet hasn?t come up during your annual exam. Your doctor is only prescribing what she is certain will be effective. Historically, this has been medication. However, healthcare providers are slowly but surely coming around when it comes to recommending their patients to a registered dietitian instead of scribbling away on a prescription pad.
In this post, we?re going to take a look at a few of the main health benefits associated with adopting a healthy vegan diet. We know you?re going to be excited about what you read, but please, please talk to your doctor before changing your diet and/or flushing your meds down the toilet. With that disclaimer out of the way, be prepared to be enlightened as to what a plant-based diet can do for your health. 

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