Sneaky Sweet Potato Brownies - Vegan Recipes

Sneaky Sweet Potato Brownies

These little vegan sweet potato brownies are a total powerhouse. They contain not one but two vegetables – there’s also zucchini hidden in there. Plus, the brownies are oil-free, whole grain, and naturally sweetened with dates.

If you think it sounds impossible to make a zucchini sweet potato brownie that’s so nutritious and also tastes good, that makes two of us. Luckily, I didn’t have to imagine anything – I simply followed Marisa Alvarsson’s recipe from her cookbook, Naturally Sweet Vegan Treats.
As the title suggests, this book is all about vegan recipes (mostly – but not completely – baked goods) that are lower in added sugar, or sweetened with whole foods like dates or fruit. My eyes went straight to what Marisa titled “Veggie Patch Brownies”. Sometimes I like to try the weirdest or most ambitious sounding recipe in a cookbook, and that’s how I found myself blending shredded zucchini, sweet potato and dates in my food processor to make these vegan sweet potato brownies. Continue reading Sneaky Sweet Potato Brownies at Yup, It's Vegan! for the full recipe.

Source: Yup its vegan

HEALTHY VEGAN SNACKS | easy meal prep recipes
