Quinoa Chickpea and Spinach Soup - Vegan Recipes

Quinoa Chickpea and Spinach Soup

Quinoa Chickpea Spinach Soup- a simple and hearty vegetable soup that?s packed full of plant protein! (vegan + gluten-free)

Did you know that Americans spend more time watching cooking shows on television than they spend cooking in their own kitchen"
Between the rise in the number of women working outside of the home and the food industry begging to let them do the cooking for us, I guess it?s not that big of a surprise. I?m guilty of watching the Food Network just as much as anyone else. In fact, that?s where the inspiration for this recipe came from. Everyday Italian, baby! What can I say" I love me some Giada. (more…)
URL: http://makingthymeforhealth.com/special-diets/vegan/

EAT WITH ME... ramen, dumplings, kimchi... // Munching Mondays Ep.52
