Perfect Little Pumpkin Cookies with Spiced Buttercream - Vegan Recipes

Perfect Little Pumpkin Cookies with Spiced Buttercream

Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! I’m popping in with a fun fall-inspired cookie recipe today that’s been on repeat in this house. 
First, I want to thank you all so much for your support for Oh She Glows for Dinner! I?m immensely grateful for each and every one of you who believe in me and in what I create. It?s sounding like cozy, plant-based meals to enjoy at home is a theme you?re really eager for, and hearing this makes me so happy because this book was almost the end of little ?ol me?hah ;) jk. Well, it was my biggest challenge to date, but sooo worth it and I’m thrilled with how it all came together. Now that I get to cook from this book in my own kitchen, it’s pretty darn special. I can?t wait for you to be able to do so as well. Your pre-orders help a lot because the more pre-orders we have, the better chance we have to get the book stocked in more numerous and varied retailers, such as independent stores, chain stores, and online retailers, allowing everyone to locate the book more easily and support their favourite stores. I appreciate your help so much!! Click here to find out where you can pre-order your copy so you can start cooking up these delicious, cozy recipes as soon as it?s hot off the press! Not much longer to go now. :) If you pre-order, don?t forget to claim your pre-order Bonus Bundle here until October 13th.
Okay, now it?s time to ring in the fall season with a brand-new, lightly spiced, and completely addi...
Source: Oh she glows

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