Easy Stovetop Cinnamon Apples - Vegan Recipes

Easy Stovetop Cinnamon Apples

Easy Stovetop Cinnamon Apples- made with just 6 ingredients and in one skillet, these apples are the perfect topping for all of your breakfast favorites! (plant-based, gluten-free)

Who’s ready for apple picking season" I’m so excited I can barely stand it. Goodbye humidity and mosquitoes. Hello fall. So listen, as soon as you get your hands on some apples, you absolutely have to try preparing them this way. The smell infuses your home with apple cinnamon goodness and the flavor is enough to take just about anything from meh to WOW. (more…)

URL: http://makingthymeforhealth.com/special-diets/vegan/

What I Ate in a Day (Cooking with Left Overs) #VEGAN
